Friday, April 22, 2011


Happy Easter!

I love this holiday! I love the egg dyeing, making baskets for my girls. Have the girls hunt for eggs. Since Big H is a teen (yes i still make her hunt for eggs) I use the dark green camo plastic eggs for her. Little H get bright pink camo eggs. I love to watch Big H. Those eggs are so hard to find. Mr. H even forgets where he puts them and she can be looking for 12 eggs for close to an hour. :)

She laughs when I tell her she can't have lunch till all the eggs have been found. I put coins in our eggs. I try to stay away from candy at Easter since we are still eating candy from Halloween and Christmas.

Most of all this holiday is the season of holy days: Passover, , Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

This is our time to remember Jesus rising from the dead. Jesus' body was no longer in the tomb and he had in fact risen from his death in order to save us all. An angel nearby this tomb told his followers of the miracle that had taken place. The resurrection, as described in the Bible, means that at the very moment Jesus rose from the dead, was the very moment we would be given everlasting life.


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